Thursday, October 25, 2012


In the article put out by The New Yorker, called The New Math Mashups we see an example of new media fostering creativity. With new software, people have been able to take apart songs piece by piece and rearrange them piece by piece with other songs. So they are able to take the lyrics from two artists link them up and then take instrumentals from another artist or two and put it all together so it sounds as if it is the way the music was originally intended to be heard. This is a new and creative way for people with minimal equipment  with no studio, to make music and make music they thought was OK to start with, that much better.

1 comment:

  1. I find it very interesting how people can create so many mashups! As you mentioned, music is cut and tailored to such a way that it creates something completely new and unintended! Certainly, its the new media tools have made all this possible.
